Monday, November 12, 2018

Wanna taste Uganda?

We need so much help! The ministry is so wonderful. Everyday you might find at least 3 people that agree that you should call again and proceed with your discussion. If you promise to return to 3 people every time you go out in service, you can easily see how your schedule can become over packed and you may feel overwhelmed wondering how in the world you could keep up with all the interest you find in the territory. We only have a short time left so let's make these moments count! Instead of getting anxious about the amount of work to do, I'm trying to think of the example of Solomon who was told to not be overwhelmed by the vastness of the temple he was to build, but rather to go to work. Also Nehemiah at first when he realized the temple was in disrepair and needed loads of work done on it, while at first it saddened him, when he got to work that seemed to settle his emotions. So instead of being overly concerned about how much interest there is here and feeling over whelmed, I should just learn from their example and go to work. Since few of the houses are numbered and streets named. We draw little maps like this and check off the boxes as we work them. 

(Banana trees are probably not the best land mark to use since they are everywhere. Haha) 

Little Doreenie

Doreen is the little precious one who the first time about 1 1/2 ago we came to her house she went running to get a bench for us to sit and teach her. Jasmyne was her first Bible teacher and she recently received a letter from Doreen who thanked her for finding her, because she said she would have been a bad person because now she knows that Jehovah hates politics violence and magic. She's letting her little heart be molded by Jehovah. At meeting one day the WT conductor asked the young ones what their goals were. Doreen surprised me when she raised her hand and said that hers was to preach.* She also told me that since her aunt lives closer to the Kingdom Hall than her parents, she'll start to spend Friday nights with her aunty so that she can attend mid week meetings in addition to Sundays! She's making these precious sacrifices for the truth, and still asked when she can begin preaching. She has asked deep questions for a 13 year old as well. For example she wondered what Jesus meant when he said that those putting faith in him would "never die at all". (John 11:26) She also has asked a lot of other questions about soul and spirit and asked why Jesus loves sinners. Her precious humble spirit. She's enjoying and learning a lot from the Greatest Teacher book as well in her personal reading. She is one of my most progressive students thus far that has been found in the territory. The other day we were on our way to play soccer with the friends and bumped into Doreen and asked if she could come along. She immediately dropped what she was doing and came to the foot ball pitch with us, I was happy to see her visiting with one of our little sisters and hopefully making a close friend at the Kingdom Hall, that will help her to feel settled there. It seems she really wants to be a part of the congregation in all respects. She attended her first mid week meeting and when we walked her to her door she said "I'm so happy right now and I don't know why!" I look forward to seeing what will happen with precious little Doreen! She'll be able to attend the mid week meetings while on school break. Last time she saw me she gave me a pair of earrings, a note telling me that her favorite thing I'd ever given her was the Bible and some pumpkin leaves she cooked because I had mentioned once that I would've like to try pumpkin leaves! They were delicious! 

Precious Doreenie

* Another little one had impressed us with his comments, which he loves to give, to that question the young son of a woman who is studying (and has just been announced as a publisher!) when he raised his hand and let us know that he is working on becoming an elder. Currently at 11 years old, haha. His unbelieving father expresses concern about him that while he's not opposed to the truth he finds it a little disconcerting that it appears to him that the truth seems to be his son's only interest these days, because every time he opens the door to his room he's just sitting and reading one of our publications, the Great Teacher or YPA etc. Precious Isaiah. He's such a smart boy, asking deep questions and answering in such an intellectual way. I look forward to having him as a little publisher and brother some day soon too! 

Megan Barasa and me goin' to town 

Kids picking corn 

New friends from Austria Australia and Germany in a congregation near by 

Field service group out for break


  1. Wow! Love your blog. I too want to serve in Uganda but how did you manage to stay so long?

    1. I've also been looking into Guyana as well. I would love your insight between the two places.

    2. There was a brother and sister who let me borrow a car, use and rv to sleep in and gave me a job. So they helped me work for a few months and then return. I usually have worked for 3-4 months to be able to live 3rd world for over a year. Also my parents have let me live at home while I save money too. Then the Visa I usually got a 6 month student Visa in Uganda.

    3. I prefer Uganda to Guyana. The heat is intense in Guyana, and were about 1/300 in Guyana and 1/5000 in uganda.

    4. Medical is cheap. Got a full price tooth filled for about 60 bucks.

    5. I am really proud of you staying in Jehovahs organization..and all your need greater travels!! 🤘🏻We should catch up sometime.. we both have stories to tell each other.. and may Jehovah continue to bless all your efforts cort

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