Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Palm Paradise

Palm Paradise...

...or sticky stinky 3rd world country. How ever you wanna look at it. I choose the 1st. 

So, my brother Dusty came to see me from Patterson, NY. It was fun. We had an amazing brunched morning and a star gazing night and lots of service and studies. Dust said he liked this trip more than the last because it was more "seeing need greating for what it is" took him on a lot of studys, or should I say he took me?

Thanx for being a peach and coming to see me Dust!

He said he likes the contrast between here and there, my old assignment, because the people are more open about what they're thinking and you can reason with them, rather than them being overly shy, quietly agreeing to everything you say, wether they actually agree or not. (They were more open with me because I'm not a blonde blue eyed boy, so exotic!) ;)

And Landon came! We were happy to have him and the company he brought, Austin :) They're not your typical teen agers, they were cooking and cleaning and not tuned into electronics 24/7! Breaking the mold guys. :) Good job! You guys were so much fun to have around!

Andrew, an old relief worker buddy of mine came too! His work mate, Daniel, and Donnel a friend from Lethem, my old assignment, came to visit too!

Fun at Landon's house with his progressing Bible student, Travis, in the green.

Just a half hours walk away is the beach. Portuguese man of war jelly fish like to hang out there. Needless to say, they're florescent and beautiful, but dangerous.

Daniel is the oldest 1o year old you'll ever meet. We have to play it cool around him, because he's too cool for us, and we can barley stand how cute it is. 

Some of my favorite children from my last assignment :)

On a study in an Amerindian village in St. Ignacious, a little girl helps gramma find the scriptures

The ants don't mess around. They left this frog clean. Even ate all his froggy legs. 

This is how Amerindians do. Baby in the bath, is baby outside in an old truck tire. 

Not filtered. Freshly sprouted rice feilds are a lovely extra neon green. A regular site. 

Always wanted to dye my hair blasting blond, so I finally did it. But it didn't work, turned orange dang it. Gotta filter to pretend it worked. Ha ha, me in my back yard, the weeds are growing over our heads out there, its kinda nice though. Jungly.

So I was bicycling to a dam where I have a handful of studies on Mondays. Well, the monday before as I was passing by a house I was told by some children that 'mommy's calling you' so I went in to meet her, a friendly Amerindian woman with many children, she asked me what I was doing and I shared a few videos with the children. She was in her hammock over a rug with her children nestled around her (how, in this heat I don't know) and I stood and told them I could come back with publication as we have things for all ages of children. Well, I went back this week and I was pedaling by the house again and I had forgotten aunty Lorna and the children, the tiny little boy said 'mommy calling you' again and I didn't get the message til his 1o year old sister repeated it, so I came in and that little girl had made a seat for me out of a cloth and a bucket, so I decided to sit down and show a few videos and read a few lessons out of the 'My Bible Lessons' brochure, children huddled around the mom in the hammock again, the mom nursing a baby uncovered as they often do here. When I was done I asked if I could rinse the dust off of my feet and the girl, Tandy dried my feet for me. Then she informed me that she was walking to my next Bible study with me and that she knew her. So she played on the study's computer while we studied. What a hospitable humble little girl she was. You might be wondering how I could have possible forgotten about this charming little family I had met the week before... Well, this type of experience is so common place that you can loose track of everyone you're supposed to see. The whole country of Guyana only has ONLY roughly 54 need greaters and every single congregation here can use help as practically everyone in the territory across the entire country is VERY receptive to the message and English speaking! If  you can create the circumstances for your self, write a Branch, here or else where and see where they send you! You're sure to have a blessing poured out on you more than you can imagine! My roommate and I are pinching our selves every day! :))

This is Rosie, (Indian name: Kavita) She has been coming to most the meetings and came to 2 days of the convention! She is making good progress and is excited about the idea of joining the school, although that is a long way off yet, it's neat to see her reaching out. She has been an inspiration to others on her street to attend meetings, conventions and to start studying! 7 people on her dam came to convention and I think it has a lot to do with her! She is an ambitious little thing. She brought her little computer to my house the other day and downloaded several of our publications and watched the Walk by Faith video. Shortly she had them all read. :) Go Rosie! I'm so proud of the progress she's making. She asked me if I would study with her 3 times a week while school is out. :) So I said yeah. She lives in one tiny room, when you walk in all you see is bunks and foam sprawled, it is a wonder 4 grown siblings share the room. They are very poor. Their house overlooks the rice feilds, it is the most peaceful place of any of my studies here. I hope she continues to grow in love for Jehovah and perhaps dedication some day! Thank goodness a need greater from Canada, Grace, found her back after she had studied for years, years before. She studies her "Jehovah's Will" brochure so well that she actually writes out the whole lesson in her own words and even got her brother to do the same for a lesson. At the end of one lesson she wrote something to the effect 'I know what is right, and I'm going after it and nothing is going to stop me!' I hope she keeps that determination and conviction! 

Thanks for coming along on my adventure! :)

Talk atcha next time.

Have a good'n.

From, not deep within Guyana's interior, but right on Guyana's coastline, this has been an equator news update with Cortny Vee.

Signing off...