Thursday, June 2, 2016

Balonge choka

Culture Food
Balonge choka! One fine day I was introduced to balonge choka. While eating it tonight it just went right off the richter scale of goodness in my brain. Maybe I was just really hungry cause it was so good like it stopped registering at all. The taste bud to brain wiring went all crazy and then just flat lined. A bomb of goodness in my mouth. There are two categories of foods. All other foods, and then there's pho, tom kha and balonge chocka all by them selves in another category registering around 17 on the 1-1o scale. The smokiness and the richness. It must be somthing like eating straight smokey melted cheese. Ok that doesn't sound good, you're just going to have to trust me on this one. This is how you make it: Start by gathering up some friends that know what they're doing... (Not the crazy North Americans on the left, the South Americans on your right, or any other Guyanese people that happen to be on hand.)

You see the eggplant in the foreground on fire? Yep, so blacken your eggplants. 

Serious business as you can see. Cut up your onions garlic and tomato, fry it up with coconut oil and salt and pepper and let it char a little, stir in the innards of your eggplant and let it simmer a little. Vwa la! Balonge, or Eggplant choka. And what do the English call it again? There's so many names for this vegetable. Dip your roti or flat bread into the amazing goo. Ask a Guyanese person and they'll tell you I'm making it wrong. They usually mix in the seasonings raw which is equally good. Any who. Try it if you wanna get your Indian on. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Dragon Fly or Pam Fly

I've been kinda crazy about all the different kinds of dragon flies we have around here lately. I've seen these four and more. Red, yellow, green and purple. Some I've searched online but haven't been able to find them all. I'll have to snap a shot of them my self. Any way they're real pretty and swarming in clouds around here. May they thrive and make the mosquito population go down! Here's a peek at some I've seen lately, keeping my eyes peeled for new types as well. 

We have a red wasp, a marybunter, which is supposed to pack the most powerful insect sting punch. And one that looks just like it, but only it's irredescent blue. When I was stung by the red wasp my hand was swollen for 4 days. My hand was so fat you couldn't even see my tendons when I moved my fingers, see?